Roland Fischer becomes BTGA Vice President

Roland Fischer, CEO Technical Building Solutions of the Elevion Group in Germany, was unanimously elected as vice president from among the BTGA direct members at the general meeting of BTGA - Bundesindustrieverband Technische Gebäudeausrüstung e.V. in Nuremberg on May 5, 2023.

Roland Fischer has already been active in the BTGA since the founding of the Electrical Engineering Division. With his new function, he would like to become even more involved, particularly in the areas of personnel and training. "Those who have the people on their side shape the future of our industry," says Roland Fischer, pleased with his election as Vice President and the confidence the delegates have in him as a person. "Together we will ensure that the BTGA as a federal association becomes even more innovative."

As a 360° technology and energy service provider, the Elevion Group is one of the leading suppliers in the fields of technical building equipment and energy services in Germany.

The BTGA was founded in 1898 and is thus one of the oldest German trade organizations. As an umbrella organization, it represents more than 400 industrially oriented, plant-manufacturing medium-sized companies in building technology with their own engineering capacities.