Reconstruction of the Water Treatment Station


Metrolog Sp. z o.o. won a public tender to carry out the task entitled “Reconstruction of the Water Treatment Station in Siniarzewo”. The contract was carried out on behalf of the Zakrzewo Municipality. The main objective of the investment was to ensure the sustainable production and distribution of treated water for the surrounding area with a population of more than 3 500 inhabitants.

The aim of the investment was to extend the water treatment station in Siniarzewo, stabilising and improving the quality of the water produced. The project was also aimed at improving the conditions for supplying drinking water to the receiving water network. 


As part of the investment, the water treatment building was extended and modernised, including the construction of a holding tank and a washings settling tank.

Water treatment technology based on a two-stage filtration system was installed in the building. The first stage comprises a central aerator with a diameter of 1600 mm and five DN1800 high-rate pressure filters, while the second stage comprises a central aerator with a diameter of 1600 mm and four DN1800 high-rate pressure filters. The water treatment technology is also equipped with a compressed air system and a bed regeneration system equipped with an air blower and a flushing pump. The process system implemented in this way allows for the treatment of 95 m3 of water per hour. A pressure-boosting plant consisting of five pumps (4+1) was installed in the building. The plant draws treated water from retention reservoirs and feeds the municipal water-supply receiving system at a rate of 160 m3/h, while maintaining a water pressure of 5.6 bar. Owing to the installation of a 107 kVA power generator at the facility, the facility can produce and distribute water even during power cuts.

As a result of the completion of the investment, the Zakrzewo Municipality is able to ensure a stable uninterrupted water supply for all the inhabitants of the municipality.


Zakrzewo Municipality

Type of building

Water Treatment Station

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